
  • Marc Birtwistle

    Marc Birtwistle, CEO and cofounder of Blotting Innovations, has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Georgia Tech and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Delaware. He has run an NIH-funded research lab since 2012 broadly in the areas of cell, molecular and systems biology, focused on cancer research. His lab has routinely published on quantitative and cutting edge western blotting, including the recent development of the Mesowestern blot. This experience and work has driven the formation of Blotting Innovations.


  • Jonah Huggins

    Jonah R. Huggins is the Chief Scientific Officer and cofounder of Blotting Innovations. He began working with the team (then academic researchers) in early 2018 as an undergraduate student. He holds a BS in Microbiology and is pursuing his PhD in Biomedical Data Science and Informatics. In his free time, Jonah enjoys exercise and spending time with his friends and loved ones.


  • Cameron Zadeh

    Cameron Orrod Zadeh is Chief Operating Officer and cofounder of Blotting Innovations. He began work on the Mesowestern project in 2017 during his undergraduate study in Chemical Engineering. Designing the first prototypes, using additive manufacturing to produce them, and conducting wet lab experiments in protein analysis composed his Master’s thesis in Chemical Engineering which he defended in 2019.

    In 2024, Cameron earned his PhD in Automotive Engineering researching the physics of additive manufacturing processes and developing simulation models to predict process outcomes.
