Developing Solutions for High-Throughput, Fast, Robust, Familiar, and Affordable Western Blotting

Western Blotting is arguably still the most used protein analysis technique across the biological sciences, but it remains tedious, low-throughput, and largely unchanged since the 1970’s. Blotting Innovations is here to change that. And we are doing so without big, fancy, and expensive equipment that blows up typical lab budgets, while keeping deeply familiar protocols and trusted, verifiable image-based readouts.


Our 96-well western blot technology makes high-throughput and precise protein analysis accessible.


Learn about our projects and papers.

NIH has awarded us two Phase I STTR grants to date.

About Us

Blotting Innovations was founded in 2021 by Marc Birtwistle, Jonah Huggins, and Cameron Zadeh.